MEET your



Born and raised on Sydney’s picturesque Northern Beaches Cody naturally adopted the relaxed lifestyle of the coast and all it had to offer. Although it is a unique and almost conflicting place to live with the hustle of Sydney’s commercial presence very evident and where lounging on the beach, walking around bare foot is considered normal or “living the dream” Cody still aspires to see, learn and experience more from across the globe or simply from the person sitting opposite at a bar.


In the beginning…

Being a natural athletic in the younger years he was introduced, practiced and competing in a vast amount of sports. In doing so he developed that passion for training and sporting but unfortunately puberty wasn’t kind. Lacking a growth spurt, being a runt and beginning to prioritise social life instead of time on the field, he briefly slipped from the fitness orientation and instead constructed a strong foundation of friendships.



The late teens tested Cody’s resilience and character continuously however it also exposed a sense of urgency. Being a restless personality and realising how quickly time can slip from you, he began pursuing what he valued. Cody started to rationalise that you shouldn’t have to choose between 2 things that you want, there is a balance to having both it’s a matter of figuring out how. This is where his philosophies and ideals began to bloom.


After completing Personal Training and fitness courses whilst also getting back in the pool with his established Swim Coaching/Instructing business, Cody matured rekindling confidence and a competitive nature. Fitness was once again a priority but it had company. Travel, work and social events were still very prominent in the balance. Fearing missed opportunities or the chance of a great story meant Cody became innovative finding ways to juggle multiple and opposing interests at the same time. 


With now over a decade in the fitness industry and having continuous exposure to experienced trainers, physio’s, nutritionists, athletes and amazing success stories. Cody is passionate about his own fitness but will not let that compromise the urge to travel or the drive to keep a prosperous and involving social network. Identifying as a coach and now projecting the same philosophies onto his clients, he believes that balance is key and you shouldn’t have to give up something you want for fitness, fitness should make that something you want better and longer lasting. 

“you can have both”